September 30, 202142Comment
If you're looking for Whistles and Lanyards, you'll find what you're looking for right here! Choose from LIFE™ Whistles, Pod™ LIFE Whistles™, Adjustable Wrist Lanyards and more!
This Mini LIFE™ Whistle is perfect for lifeguards and other water safety personnel! Its three chamber pealess whistle design emits the ultimate loudest, high-pitch, and shrillest tone! Order yours today!
The small size and slim design of the Pod™ LIFE Whistle™ makes it the most convenient whistle for any guard! It features a unique pealess design that is not only loud but also slim.
These Wrist Coils make great lifeguard incentives! Available in many colors to choose from! Perfect for lifeguards who want their whistle right at hand!
If you're looking for a quality whistle, then these LIFE™ Whistles are just what you're looking for! They have no pea to become stuck and inhibit whistle sound and are available in many colors to choose from! Order yours today!